Mother’s Day: 7 Simple Ways To Celebrate Your Day

mothers day ideas

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and it is time to honor the most important person in your house: YOU!

We don’t have to wait for Mother’s Day to start celebrating. Here are 7 very simple ways for us to take matters into our own hands and start taking care of ourselves:

1. Lose Perfection As A Goal
For just one day, try to stop doing everything perfectly. Let go of all your unrealistic expectations. There is no such thing as a Mom who never yells, never gets frustrated or impatient, and has perfect children that are well behaved 24/7. Today tell yourself “Sometimes, I do a great job taking care of my kids and sometimes I am just an average Mom. My kids sometimes are well behaved and sometimes they are not. That is the normal way for kids and Moms to be. I am capable of managing motherhood and all the problems that may entail.”

2. Practice Gratefulness

Tell each person in your family that you are grateful to have them in your life. If that is too corny for you, thank each one for something they have done that day, the dishes, getting out on time, turning off the TV when asked, saying hello when they walked in the door. The more appreciation you show the more you will get.

3. See Angel Faces

Look in on your kids when you are sleeping. Take a minute to appreciate their innocent faces and remember why you love them. When you get to the child who was really giving you a hard time during the day, take a few more moments. You will go to sleep feeling good about your beautiful family.

4. Be A Delegator

Hold a family meeting. Write all the jobs that need to be done on a piece of paper and put it in a hat. Let each child know that they need to pick a job for the next day and do it without being reminded.

5. Walk On Sunshine

Start off the day on a positive note. Wake your kids up with and upbeat voice and a huge smile. Kiss them as they walk out the door. Mothers are the ones who set the tone for the home. When we start the day in a positive way everyone feels it.
Tell each one of your family members that you love them as they walk out the door. You will feel great.

6. Listen To Your Own Advice

Eat breakfast sitting down, actually do it for lunch and dinner too. When your child asks you to do something for him/her when you are enjoying your meal, tell them, “I need a few minutes for myself right now. If you can do it yourself, great, if not you will have to wait a bit. I will let you know when I am available.”

7. Be A Kid

Get outside and play. Remember what you loved to do as a kid and do it today. Did you love bike riding, jumping rope, painting, climbing trees, skipping stones, coloring, roller skating, playing tag, kickball? Indulge your inner child.


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