Dr. Deborah Gilboa: Entitlement Proof Our Kids: Teaching Them To Pay It Forward

We are getting ready for our monthly Teleseminar series coming up Monday, January 14, 2013:

Dr. Deborah Gilboa: Entitlement Proof Our Kids: Teaching Kids To Pay It Forward

In order for you to get to know Deborah Gilboa you definitely want to look at her Parenting videos. They are packed with clear, simple, practical, and easy to implement parenting tips. I love that! That is what ParentingSimply.com is all about and that is why I asked Deborah Gilboa to join us again to speak for Parentingsimply.com’s Monthly Teleseminar series.

Here is one of my favorite of her videos:

Don’t forget to sign up here for her class!

Dr. Deborah Gilboa: Entitlement Proof Our Kids: Teaching Kids To Pay It Forward

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