The Best Mother’s Day Gifts

Screen Shot 2013-05-07 at 11.30.01 AMI am a gift giving challenged person. I am not even sure if that is a word, but I guess I can make stuff up, I write a blog after all.  I am so bad at finding and giving gifts, including Mother’s Day gifts. Well, Mother’s Day is right around the corner and I am determined to get it right this year.

So with a little help from the internet. Thank goodness, for the internet! These are the gifts that I am thinking about getting for the mother figures in my life and maybe even a little something for myself! Let me know what you think!

Frames are usually my go to present for everyone…

Maybe this is a cop out- but it is so easy and I would love it!

By the way, this is what I got for my first mother’s day. My son was only 6 weeks old; it was the sweetest gift. It is one of my favorite books:


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