Sibling Rivalry: Simple Ways To Stop The Teasing

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There has been a lot of family together time this past week. We have had some good times and then we have had the squabbling and bickering and let’s just say that I am not just describing my kids behavior here.

Many times my kids will make fun of one another when they don’t know something:
For example, a curious child will ask some simple question:

“What does “monopoly” mean?”
“What is the pitcher’s name for the Yankees?”
“Where should the dessert spoons go?”

And then some other child will say:

“I can’t believe you didn’t know that!”
“I can’t believe you are asking that question!”
“That is the stupidest question ever!”

I have been trying to think of some good responses to this form of teasing. I find this to be particularly obnoxious considering that I like to encourage my kids to ask questions. And I want them to feel comfortable asking questions in our home.

So this is what I came up:

“I don’t like children to make fun of each other when they ask questions! We all should be encouraging any type of question that anyone asks. I want this to be family that celebrates curiosity!”

Corny? A bit, but my family has gotten used to that from me. What do you think? Will this work in your home?

Want to learn more ways to manage Sibling Rivalry?

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  • Simple Ways To Manage Sibling Rivalry In Your Home
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