9 Rules For Kids That Really Stick

Most parent have non-negotiable rules in their home. For the most part, if they seem reasonable  kids will comply. That is because most children like rules. It makes them feel safe and secure. Children don’t have a tremendous amount of control over their environment so they feel like their lives are unpredictable. Although they might balk, kids like the predictability that rules bring to their lives. So do parents. Over the years my husband and I have developed some cute rules that have helped our house run smoothly.

Here are some great rules that you can use with your kids:

1. “You get what you get and you don’t get upset.”

Here is an idea of how this one  works:

The rest of the rules are self-explanatory:

2.”Children who say ‘Me First’ get second”

3.”Buckle up as soon as you get in the car”

4.”I don’t listen to whining” or “This is a whine free vacation”

5.”Mommy’s don’t work well after 9pm. I cannot help you after 9pm unless it is an emergency.”

6.”Children who takes snacks need to use a plate or a napkin”

7.”Food stays in the kitchen.”

8.”Crying over the TV or computer means we turn it off”

9.”Fighting over the TV or computer means we turn it off.”

Some kids who are more independent minded will more readily  challenge you about your rules. They may whine and complain and fuss, but that just means you need to stand firm. Even the more spirited kids get the picture pretty quickly. They know that you mean business.

Let us know what you think. What has worked for you? What are some rules that you have in your home?





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