Review of Class 3: Getting Your Kids To Really Listen

Child listening with earWe had a great class this week. It was our third class in our  “Parenting Simply Foundations Class”.
We learnt the following:
1. How to set ourselves up for success so that are houses are running smoothly.
2. Communication techniques that don’t work.
3. Why we need new skills to communicate with our children.
4. Clever ways to get our kids to listen.

We quickly reviewed some of the principles of empathetic listening. We also discussed how to help our kids to help out around the house. Some parents had questions on how to get their children to eat their vegetables. All in all it was an informative class with lots of information shared.

Here are some more articles to help you help your kids listen:

Stop Yelling In The Morning: 3 Ways To Keep Calm

Child Not Listening: 4 Ways To Help Your Child Hear You

Sneak Peek at Next Week:

1. How to deal with the anger and frustration of everyday life with your child.

2. Bonus techniques to encourage cooperation.

3. Is it misbehavior or developmentally appropriate behavior? What you need to know.

Looking forward,


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