Rebecca Thompson: Nurturing Connection With Your Children

rebeccah biopicWe had a phenomenal class last night with Rebecca Thompson of the Consciously Parenting Program.
I really enjoyed.
I appreciated the way she explained how our brain works and the physiological changes we experience when we are in a good mood, moving towards a bad mood and when we have lost it. She showed us how our kids brains work the same way. Then we learned some very simple techniques that anyone can do to manage our moods and our kids moods, the whining, complaining and the tantrums.

She fully explained why we cannot use logic, or punishment when we are managing our kids whining, complaining and tantrums. We all know that it doesn’t work but now we have a deep understanding of why.

Rebecca also mentioned that we try to make our kids happy and ourselves happy all the time, but there are ebb and flows to our moods. It is unrealistic to expect our kids to be happy all the time.

I would highly recommend listening to this class. You can get the audio recording here:

Nurturing Connection: What You Need to Know About Emotional Expression, Bonding, and Healthy Families

You definitely want to check out her website:

You can get her book right here!

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