Promoting Social Skills In Our Kids: Meet Courtney Evenchik

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A+ Solutions is pleased to invite you to an evening with Courtney Evenchik, MA, NCSP

Monday evening,

May 12


How to Promote Positive Social Skills in Your Child with Learning Differences

Location: Lee Road Library
2345 Lee Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

You will:

Learn why struggling learners are often more at-risk for being bullied
Teach your child to be assertive
Help your child develop positive social behaviors
Decrease the “mean kid” behavior that you might see in your own child

I wanted you all to get to know Courtney before her talk in May, so I interviewed her. You will love what she has to say:

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I am a born and bred Clevelander and I am extremely grateful to have lived in the Midwest all my life. I am married and I have 4 kids. I’ve been a school psychologist for 13 years and a parent educator for 8 years now.  I love my family and I love my work and I am always striving to balance it all.  I’m an outdoorsy person,  and one of my favorite things to do is take a family  bike ride in the Cuyahoga Valley.

What is the most important thing parents should know about parenting?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help- there is no rule book for being a parent. I remember after our first child was born, we were getting ready to leave the hospital. The nurse handed us the baby and my husband nervously looked at her and asked, “Don’t we need to sign something before we take him, like something that we are going to love and care for him to the best of our ability…? Don’t we need some more instructions or directions…?”

What is your basic parenting philosophy?

Haim Ginott, and Faber and Mazlish, who wrote the “How To Talk”  series, are the experts with whom I most identify. I try to maintain a balance of being warm, loving and empathetic with my kids but also maintaining rules which gives them a feeling of stability. Guiding kids to come up with solutions to their own problems is also key, because it teaches them that they are capable and it builds confidence.  I also think it is important to let kids feel sad when they are sad, disappointed when they are disappointed. Kids just need some empathy and a listening ear, and that is usually all they want. Trying to brush away their feelings or making them feel better deprives them of learning how to cope with their emotions. They need to learn to manage the ups and downs of life.

 What do you love most about being a parent?

I find it to be so rewarding, better than anything I have ever experienced. That being said, it’s tough, parenting can be exhausting, frustrating and overwhelming. But, I am a naturally happy person and this spills over into my parenting. I know we are all stressed and rushing around but I try to appreciate what I have and see through the world through my kids eyes. That’s amazing to me. I want all parents to experience that fun and sense of wonder.

What do you love most about what you do?

I feel lucky that I get to do everything that I trained for as school psychologist: counseling, evaluations, testing, and most of all social skills workshops with students in their classrooms. I also am the Director of School Psychology Services for A+ Solutions, so I get to do administrative work as well.

When I come into work in the morning, I never know what to expect. There is a certain spontaneity to my day which keeps me on my toes. That challenge energizes me. Most of all, I like knowing that I am helping kids and their families.

You will be speaking on the topic of Promoting Social Skills In Your Child With Learning Differences. Can you give us a bit of a sneak preview on this important topic?

Social skills encompasses a whole lot of areas. It is important, because we might not realize it, but you need social skills for any situation that you are in. Children can’t compensate for poor social skills the way they can for reading or math. Social skills include, being able to listen, make eye contact, connecting with others using verbal and non-verbal language, making friends, initiating conversations etc. But I will tell you all about that on May, 12!

Thank you Courtney for your words of wisdom.

We are looking forward to hearing more from you.
Come and join Courtney:
Monday, May 12, 7:30-8:30pm at the Lee Road Library in Cleveland, Ohio

You can sign up here:

How to Promote Positive Social Skills in Your Child with Learning Differences

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