Announcing My New Book!

Preparing Kids For LIfe

I am so excited to announce that my book, Parenting Simply: Preparing Kids For Life, is finally published! It’s available on Amazon!

I started almost 10 years ago. I loved writing articles and always wanted to compile them and write a book! This is a huge accomplishment for me. I could not have done this without, you, my readers!
I know that because I am a parent myself, we’re always looking for simple and practical ways to meet the challenges of parenting. This book is a down-to-earth guide with concrete tips to help parents be confident in their ability to raise respectful, grateful, and disciplined children.

Traditional Jewish texts offer untold wisdom. Since I live an observant Jewish way of life, it seemed natural to blend traditional Jewish parenting techniques with the latest educational and psychological research. This mix offers a fresh way for parents to teach their kids to take responsibility for themselves at home and at school.  Tools to help children feel competent and calm are highlighted throughout the book.

Step-by-step instructions and lots of examples are given. Most importantly, I wanted to give parents the skills they need to create an atmosphere of compassion and respect – the basis of a warm and loving home.

We all want our children to feel prepared for whatever life throws at them,  so, as a sneak peek into the book, read on!

7 Ways To Prepare Your Kids for Life

  1. Promote compassion: This is best done through role modeling. When parents are kind and considerate to each other and to others around them, it’s easy for kids to learn to care for others.
  2. Foster responsibility: When children take responsibility for their actions they feel competent and strong.
  3. Strengthen self-control: When we help our children delay gratification they develop the tools that they need to live an emotionally healthy life. Self-control is needed for healthy relationships and academic achievement.
  4. Teach them to problem solve: A home that is focused on coming up with solutions, instead of accusations and blame, builds self-confidence. It helps children feel that they can manage the ups and downs of life.
  5. Let children work things out for themselves: Whether it is with siblings and friends, not stepping in can make children feel as if you trust them to fend for themselves. They have it within themselves to manage their relationships.
  6. Speak with empathy: When we empathize with our children we learn to separate our emotions from theirs. This helps them learn to trust their own emotions. They are then better able to make their own decisions based on their intuition, not on what others think.
  7. Be positive: A positive attitude is contagious. When our homes are filled with fun and warmth, kids naturally feel happier. Happiness breeds happiness. It will spill over into every area of their lives.

Do you wan to learn more? You can buy the book here!

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It would be so helpful if after you read the book, you leave a review! I wouldn’t mind getting 5 stars 😉
Thank you so much for your support all these years! I couldn’t do it without my subscribers!

Buy Preparing Your Kids for Life!

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