Positive Parenting: Diary of A Traveling Mom

December 3, 2012
I am on my way to Dallas to speak for Home CEU Connections. It is quite an adventure.
I have been preparing the kids for my trip for a while now. They were not too upset about it. They were actually excited that I was leaving.
“How long are you going to be gone for?” A. asked.
“Two days.” I replied
“Only two days! That’s it?” T. chimed in.
You might be wondering how this can be. Why such a loving and adoring mother such as myself would be getting this type of reaction. Shouldn’t my kids be crying and begging me to stay?
I will tell you the big open secret. My mother-in-law and Aunt are going to watch my kids from the time they get home from school until my husband comes home from work. My tech-savvy babysitters have 2 IPads and 2 IPhones between them. They come armed with them at the request of my children. Grandmothers and Aunts rarely say no to their grandchildren/ nieces and nephews. (I can just hear them say in unison, “Why should we?”)
There are also no rules. Grandmothers and Aunts are exempt from enforcing limits. So, there will be unlimited use of those electronic devices. Needless to say there will be a bit of partying going on at my house while I am gone.
Obviously when you are many miles away from your family there is little you can do. Grandmothers will be Grandmothers and Aunts will be Aunts.
The last time my husband and I went away, my babysitters posted the following message on Facebook:
“Adina and Jeff are due home later today. The kids were great. They watched no TV. They drank no soda. They ate no junk food. They went to sleep on time and they did all their homework. That is our story and we are sticking to it.”
Well, I have no choice but to believe them. I can bury my head in the sand with the best of them, especially when I am far from home.
Besides, I know my kids will be happy to see me when I get home. Kids are always happy to see their mother even if she doesn’t let them play with her iPhone and Ipad. And worse comes to worse if their natural instincts don’t kick in, not to worry, I did promise to bring them home presents.

December 4, 2012

I am up and ready to start my day. I have a few hours before I have to report to work. I am going to grab a quick breakfast and take a walk.

I don’t usually travel alone but when I do I always feel like something is missing. Something is not quite right. I have this constant nagging feeling. Something like the sense you have when you leave the house and you are not sure if you turned off the oven. I guess from the time you become a mother you have these invisible ties that keep you connected to your family especially when you are far away.

I am not complaining. Those invisible ties are probably what gives me the courage to spread my wings a bit and venture out of my comfort zone. Those invisible ties help me feel their support and encouragement even when they are not with me.

That being said, do not think I am wallowing. I do plan on enjoying the following:

Not doing laundry
Not waking anyone up for school
Not making dinner

Those are my top three. I am sure there is more but I gotta run. Perhaps, I might just take a minute to call my husband and make sure the oven is actually off…

December 5, 2012
I am heading home. Dallas was great. I didnt know I could talk much less teach for 3 hours straight. I taught a 3 part class for Speech Pathologist and other clinicians entitled: New Ways To Communicate With Your Young Client.

We covered, how to manage your client’s negative feelings, of complaining, whining, and tantrums. We also spoke about how to engage a client’s cooperation. In the last part of the class we discussed how to increase self-esteem in children using appropriate praise.

I now have a day full of traveling ahead of me. I can’t wait to get home.
In the meantime, I am going to enjoy the last few hours of freedom.
I have a crossword puzzle to do and a book to read.

I know tomorrow I am going to be playing catch up. Laundry, cleaning and I will definitely be cooking dinner.
It was nice to take a break from my regular schedule. But I will be happy to get back into my routine.
Heading home to Cleveland…

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