Positive Discipline: Simple Ways To Keep The Joy In Parenting

We are gearing up for this coming Monday night’s class:

Mary Nelsen Tamborski: Positive Discipline Tools For Keeping The Joy In Parenting

I can’t wait. I know that sometimes parenting can feel like such a chore and we can forget so easily that parenting can be done happily. I need that reminder ever so often. So, I personally am looking forward to Monday night’s class.

I was just browsing through a few of my old posts that touch on this subject of Parenting with joy or just plain parenting happily.

Here are 2 tips that really work:

1. Stop doing what you think you should do as a parent and share what you love with your kids. If you are an artsy person, then bring out the arts and craft box. If you love baking, then let go with you inner Betty Crocker. If you are a soccer pro then get out on in the backyard and play with your kids. If you love to snuggle up with a good book then share your passion for reading with your children. Doing what you love with your kids can help you feel better about your parenting and truly enjoy it.

2. Take time out to take care of yourself. Everyone needs a break. Make sure you carve out some time everyday just for you. It does not have to be long just enough for you to catch your breath. Talk on the phone to an old friend, take a soak in a bath or savor your favorite ice cream. Or you can just sit and do absolutely nothing.Parents who take care of themselves are happier, more joyful and able to manage the ups and downs of parenting better.

So there you have it. I am sure you want to learn more. So don’t forget!
Join us this Monday evening, December 10, 2012 for:

Mary Nelsen Tamborski: Positive Discipline Tools For Keeping The Joy In Parenting

Looking forward,

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