and A+ Solution Book Club

Depositphotos_19024039_xsBook clubs are so much fun, if you like books, of course! I am a member of a book club, that I love. We read mostly popular fiction, and sometimes when we are in an intellectual mood we read non-fiction and sometimes we throw a classic into the mix.

A few years ago I also ran a book club for parents. We read parenting books, a chapter a week and then discussed it at our meetings. It was very successful.

We read the following books:

Blessing of a Skinned Knee, by Wendy Mogel

Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, by Becky Bailey

Raising a Spirited Child, by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Positive Discipline, by Jane Nelsen

I have very high expectations of parenting books. I will only recommend parenting books that are easy to read and don’t make parents feel guilty. I like parenting books that are skill based and give good examples of how to implement the skills outlined, in one’s home. It is also nice bonus if the author does not take themselves so seriously and shares their own parenting struggles. All of the above books met those expectations.

We are very excited to announce that we are planning on running a book club this winter. We are in the midst of going through a number of books that we think would interest parents.

These are the books that are in the running:

Yell Less, Love More by Sheila McCraith

Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves, by Naomi Aldort

The Challenging Child, by Stanley I. Greenspan

The 5 Love Languages of Children, by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell

Let us know what you think!

Any other suggestions?

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