Support Your Child With Learning Differences: Video And Free CEU Credit

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I am excited to let you know that the video of our program is finally up and you can get free 1.5 CEU’s from the State of Ohio, Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage & Family Therapist Board.

Support Your Child With Learning Differences At Home And In The Classroom: An Educational, Social Emotional And Sensory Perspectives.

We are so glad that we are able to open this up to all of you parents and professionals who were not able to join us in person., partnered with Bellefaire Jewish Children’s Bureau and Solutions: A+ Learning and Development Centers to put together this informative and innovative program.

To watch the video and get the forms you need for 1.5 CEU credit, click here:

Please read the forms first before you watch the video. There are 5 test questions that you will need to answer in order to be eligible for the CEU credit.

Here is a brief overview of the program:

The panel of experts included:

Karen Porter, Occupational Therapist

Lauren Ehrenreich, Social Worker

Favia Becker, School Pyschologist

These 3 experts spoke about learning differences explaining what we need to know as parents, teachers and professionals.

Some points that really stuck with me, were:

  • Children are overwhelmed when they know they can’t perform academically. They won’t even try because they feel like there are too many obstacles in their way. They need help.
  • Kids who tell their parent’s that they don’t have homework when they really do are using a coping skill, albeit a maladaptive one. Children who do this are overwhelmed with the thought of doing their homework and they don’t believe they will be successful. They want to avoid a frustrating experience with their homework, and possibly a fight with their parents over the homework. Instead of getting angry at them we need to understand and validate their feelings of frustration.
  • Parents often say, “He won’t do it.” We need to switch that to, “He can’t do it.” That might be the first step in getting them the help that they need.
  • Parents need to take a step back when their child acts out. They need to be conscious and mindful that the behavior has nothing to do with them. They do not need to personalize their child’s behavior. Parents do not need to take the blame they are always part of the solution.
  • Defiant behavior is a form of self-protection. When children are frustrated they either take out a shield or a sword. Children who take out the “shield”, cry, or look for comfort. Most parents and teacher sympathize and attend to these children. The ones who take out the “sword”, explode, yell, act defiant do not receive our positive attention. But both types of children are really sending the same messages.
  • We need to actively teach kids that it is okay to make mistakes and that they can learn from their mistakes.

Again, To watch the video and get the forms you need for 1.5 CEU credit, click here:

Please read the forms first before you watch the video. There are 5 test questions that you will need to answer in order to be eligible for the CEU credit.

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