Moms, Are You Overwhelmed? Meet Leslie Petruk

LeslieHeadshotincolorOnly another week until our next class in our Parenting Simply Teleconference Series!
On Wednesday May 29th, join us as Leslie Petruk talks about:
“Overwhelmed Parent?! Gaining Your Child’s Cooperation While Building Their Confidence and Competence and Keeping your Calm”

I wanted you all to get to know Leslie and give you a sneak peek at our class coming up next week!
Here is our interview:

Can you tell us a little about yourself? 
I am a Child & Family Therapist, Board Certified Coach, Leadership Coach and Parenting Expert. For the past 17 years I have worked with children, women, couples and families to help them lead more connected and compassionate lives.  I am so passionate about it that I created “4Kids Sake Parenting” programs and a new Leadership for Working Moms Program, My book is coming out soon, “OMG!  I Sound Just Like My Mother:  How to Parent your way with courage, clarity, and compassion”.

What is the most important thing parents should know about parenting?
All parenting tips and techniques are built on the foundation of the connection you have with your child.

What is your basic parenting philosophy?
I believe in using positive strategies that teach responsibility, encourage and empower children.  Having a respectful and loving connection with your child builds the foundation for effective parenting.  
We teach our children the most through our own actions, not our words (less is more when talking to your child).  Parents are most effective when they are calm, collaborative and connected to to their child.
Learning to reflect your child is the most important parenting tool you can learn.

What do you love most about being a parent?
Seeing the world through the eyes of my children, the many lessons they teach me about life and myself, watching them grow and blossom into their own person, and the joy they bring to my life!

Being a licensed professional counselor puts you in the position of helping parents all the time. What is the biggest problem that parents have today?
With the pace of life today, the accessibility of information & the use of technology it’s hard for parents not to feel overwhelmed.  Additionally, most parents I work with are struggling with various behavioral challenges and feeling equipped to handle their child’s challenging behaviors.  Many of the challenges that come along with parenting are developmental stages that children should go through ~ parent’s just need the tools to know how to handle these challenges so that they don’t get stuck in exhausting power struggles.  Another huge problem I see with parents today is their attempt to “fix things” for their children rather then knowing how to reflect them – the latter being a a much more effective way of empowering your child to learn how to deal with their emotions, relationships, as well as the world around them.

What do you love most about what you do?
I love working with parents who truly want to learn and do what is in the best interest of their child~they see immediate results when they gain the tools to reflect and connect with their child in a new way. It gives me great joy to help parents learn how to become more empowered and confident as parents and to hear all of the great ways it impacts them, their child/ren and families.  It’s very satisfying to see the progress and help parents learn how to connect with their children in a new way while reducing their own stress so they can truly enjoy being a parent!

Come and join us on Wednesday, May 29 9-10pm EST.
You can sign up here:

“Overwhelmed Parent?! Gaining Your Child’s Cooperation While Building Their Confidence and Competence and Keeping your Calm”

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