Kids and Chores: Stop The Whining And Complaining

Blond kid girl sitting on a messy clothes sofaI work better by myself and I so much rather do things alone than get my kids to help out. It just seems easier and more efficient. However after reading, Blessing of a Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel,many years ago, I knew I needed to push myself in this area. My kids needed to help out. The truth is, I can’t do it all myself anymore.

According to Mogel:

“Doing chores gives them(kids) survival skills. By teaching our children a habit of responsibility at an early age, we give them the confidence to take on ever-more complex challenges as they grow older. And helping out at home reassess self-esteem: when parents insist that children do their chores, they are letting them know that they’re not just loved, they are needed. Ordinary chores are the foundation of our children’s character and spiritual well-being.”

It is tough though. Kids whine, complain and will do almost everything to get out of doing their jobs.
If we  really think about it, kids should be allowed to complain about their chores. We do it all the time. It can be annoying for us parents to hear. We can accept it in ourselves, but have a hard time when it comes from our kids.
Here are 4 tips to help us get through the rough spots, when your child does whine and complain about their chores:
1. Have your pat phrases handy when your kids start to whine. Ex. “In this family we all work together.” “Sometimes you do more and sometimes Sara does more, that’s how it works in families.”
2. Be kind. Always empathize.”Looks like you really aren’t in the mood for sweeping. You are wishing that this broom would work by itself…”
3. Leave the room. You can empathize and state your expectations, “Sounds like you really don’t want to set the table, I am going to the bathroom. When I come back, I expect the table to be set.”
4. Don’t take it personally.Your kids are not complaining because they don’t care about you, are lazy or irresponsible, they just really don’t like to clean.

Want to learn more?

Join our book club!

I have used so much of Wendy Mogel’s philosophy and teachings over the years in my parenting classes and I am looking forward to sharing and discussing with all of you:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015: 8-9PM

You can get the book here:
The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, by Wendy Mogel.

There will be a live class in Cleveland:

3659 Green Road Suite 112

Beachwood, OH 44122


Adina Soclof, MS. CCC-SLP

Courtney Evenchik, MA, NCSP

You can sign up by calling:



The Blessing of a Skinned Knee

Looking forward!

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