Is Your Child Struggling In School: Parents Who Got It Right

I am working on a new class:

“Is Your Child Struggling In School? Simple Ways That You Can Help.”

I am gathering material for this new class and I always like to get parents involved. I requested some help on facebook:

Developing a new class:

Anyone who has had an experience with a struggling student, I would love to hear what you did about it that worked.

Here are some of the responses I got on facebook from this request:

Ricki says:

In sixth grade we finally helped our boy get it right – he just wasn’t organized and it hurt in two main ways: not having the material and not knowing what was expected of him, in homework or tests. So, we worked with someone who prepared him a series of sheets that he filled out for HW for a bunch of weeks, kept track of what material he had covered and included a timeline for filling in with assignment details and tests coming up. Now he works without that, daily filling in his little calendar-book and knows whats going on. That was a process.

But the single most simple addition to his routine that we have is including in his backpack a simple plastic folder that closes, and in it he puts every loose piece of paper that he gets, from messages for his parents from school, to papers meant to be stuck into his notebook or spiral. It  helps the system immensely to know he can just pull it out and show me each day, and we empty it together!

Jen says:

My daughter is doing well on her math tests (in 2nd grade!) but it was taking her more than an hour to do 1-2 pages of math, so she now goes to a tutor once a week. The tutor is very good so it’s a fun activity.

Do you have any tips that worked with your struggling student?

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