How To Talk So Kids Will Listen: You Can Help Them Listen

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We just finished our second class in our 6 week series: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk workshop at Fuchs Mizrachi School, in Cleveland.

Courtney Evenchik a Who’s The Boss parenting coach and I are enjoying our jobs as facilitators of this great class.

In the second class of the series, we talked about how to Engage Our Children’s Cooperation aka ‘Why don’t my kids ever listen to me!’. We discussed the common ways that parents might try to engage a child’s cooperation, blaming, accusing, lecturing, name calling, and even bribing. We completed an exercise to see how children feel when we use these tactics. This is what we came up with, kids feel: hurt angry, frustrated, and unmotivated.

Parents shared their toughest parenting moments, and I am sure you will relate:
Waking kids up
Getting them to get dressed
Getting them to brush their teeth
The dillydallying and the daydreaming
Helping kids share
Leaving to school
Getting them to stop playing with their toys
Making sure they are eating healthy
Putting kids to bed without having to read more books, get more water etc…

Then we discussed six skills that we can use to help kids listen and cooperate. We learned what to do when we get angry and frustrated ourselves, and the best way to manage our anger and frustration without taking it out on our kids.

We also spoke about how the message of these six skills, teach children that they can be responsible, capable, and competent.

Stay tuned for next weeks recap!

Can’t make it to our class in Cleveland? You can learn this and more from our Parenting Simply audios.
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7 Ways To Help Your Kids Listen In 7 Days

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