How To Talk So Kids Will Listen: Stop The Helicopter Parenting

Screen Shot 2013-06-04 at 9.30.03 PMWe just finished our fourth class in our 6 week series: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk workshop at Fuchs Mizrachi School, in Cleveland.

Courtney Evenchik a Who’s The Boss parenting coach and I are enjoying our jobs as facilitators of this great class.

In the fourth class of the series, we talked about how to encourage our kids to be independent and how hard it is for parents to let go and  let kids make mistakes. We discussed how resentful kids feel because they are dependent on us for so many things because they have a real need to spread their wings.

We then learned some great ways to help our kids feel independent:

  • Showing respect for a child’s struggle
  • Not answering questions
  • Not asking questions
  • Giving information
  • Using resources outside the home
  • Letting kids dream

These skills ultimately teaches  kids how to be responsible and self sufficient.

We also spoke about how we should avoid asking our kids:

“Are you having fun?” or ” Did you have fun?”

We all agreed that it sends the wrong message about life, because we all know life isn’t always fun. Kids also might feel pressured or feel that they are disappointing us if they are not having fun. They might feel like something is wrong with them because they are not having fun all the time.


Stay tuned for next weeks recap!

Can’t make it to our class in Cleveland? You can learn this and more from our Parenting Simply audios.
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7 Ways To Help Your Kids Listen In 7 Days

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