How To Talk So Kids Will Listen Workshop

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We just finished our first class in our 6 week series: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk workshop at Fuchs Mizrachi School, in Cleveland.

It is so good to be back teaching this workshop with Courtney Evenchik a Who’s The Boss parenting coach. I always learn something new.

The first class in the series focuses on learning how to manage children’s negative feelings. We had some great discussions and we practiced the skills to help us reflect our children’s feelings. We learned the best way to respond to create good feelings when our children say:

“I hate Grandma!”

“The bus driver is so mean! He told me to sit down and shut up!”

“I stink at soccer.”

“It is not fair!”

We always end up touching on:

  • How to manage children’s temper tantrums.
  • How to hold back from always trying to fix our children’s problems.
  • How accepting children’s feelings is the key to building resilient children.
  • How to set limits and help children follow rules in a firm but kind way.

Can’t make it to our class in Cleveland? You can learn this and more from our Parenting Simply audios.
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7 Ways To Help Your Kids Listen In 7 Days

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