How To Help Your Kids Help You: We Need A Break

As I have mentioned, we have been doing lots of cleaning for Passover aka Spring Cleaning. On Sunday, the Soclof Clean Your Room Day, we finished 2.5 rooms. We just need to finish my daughter’s closet. Not bad!

After about an hour of intense cleaning, my husband decided to go the gym and he graciously took the kids with him. He said, “I am going to get us out of here, before your mother finds more jobs for us to do!”

They left and I was able to clean to my hearts content. I do my best cleaning when I am alone. Don’t worry it was not all work and no play. I took a little rest which included me eating my favorite, coffee ice cream.

I organized the following trouble spots in the house:

The linen closet
The storage closet
The laundry room
Two drawers in the kitchen

I am still not done but we have made great progress. I only lost it a little bit (depending on who you ask).

All this cleaning and trying to keep my cool has been giving me lots more ideas for my newest workshop,Simple Ways To Parent Without Anger. Like, how to turn yourself around when you are just about to lose it, and the best way to handle yourself if your temper gets the better of you.

As for all the cleaning, I will be taking a short break so I can get ready for this workshop. We will pick up next week where we left off.
Stay tuned for the rest of the saga…

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