How To Help Your Kids Help You: The Latest Update

Yesterday, I told you I had more to tell you on the Passover aka Spring cleaning front. Here it is:

When I picked one of my older children up from school last week and I had him trapped in the car with no place to go, I said something like this:

“I started Passover cleaning, I was wondering if you would be available on Friday to help me lug stuff from our house to  the local charity. I probably will need you around 2pm.”

He agreed.

On Friday morning before he left, I said, “Just wanted to remind you about  shlepping all that stuff for me today at around 2pm. Is that still a good time for you?”

It was still good for him. I spent an hour in the morning organizing and sorting stuff in our storage room in the basement. At 2pm on the dot we loaded the car and drove off. We got there and I sat in the car and he shlepped. He came back and I said,

“I appreciate all your help, it has made my Passover cleaning so much easier!”

Next project:

I told my other son that he needed to start thinking about cleaning his room. About a minute later he said, “Ok, I have thought about it, can I go play now?”

I love that kid!

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