How To Help Your Kids Help You: Still Cleaning

I am really gearing up for Passover aka Spring Cleaning. Up until now, I was just playing around, but now things are getting serious. We are at 5 weeks and counting. I am designating this Sunday as Soclof Room Cleaning Day.

Tonight I will make the announcement:

“This Sunday we need to get to work. I need 2 hours of your time. Between 1 and 3pm we will be cleaning our rooms for Passover. Now don’t worry, because I already cleaned my room, I will be on hand if anyone needs any help. I know it is so exciting but don’t thank me now, wait until your rooms are all sparkly clean! Then you will really feel thankful and it will be more heartfelt!”

In my fantasy, I have already mentioned that I am a dreamer, they will say:

“What a great idea! Mommy you are the best. I can’t wait to get started. Are you sure you only need us for 2 hours? I love cleaning, can we make it 3? Then I can help my brothers/sister clean their rooms too!”

In reality they will probably say one of the following:

  • “Ugh! Ma, why do you always make us clean our rooms?”
  • “I have so much to do on Sunday!”
  • “I can’t. I am playing Scrabble with my friends.”
  • “What about playing the Wii, will I still be able to play on the Wii?”

I will counter with the following:

1.State my expectations:

“I am giving you plenty of notice. Between 1 and 3 on Sunday we will be cleaning.”

2.Empathize and be firm:

“You guys sound frustrated and a little annoyed. This time of year can be a challenge. I appreciate  in advance your cooperation.”

3.Repeat the above phrases as needed

4. Smile cheerfully

Wish me luck!




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