How To Help Your Kids Help You: Confessions of A Neataholic

I spent some time reflecting this past weekend on all the Spring/Passover cleaning. I also spoke to my husband about it as well. And this is what I came up with:

I need to work on keeping my cool when I enlist my family’s help to clean our house. I have been driving everyone a little crazy.

Ok, so everyone has their areas that need improvement. I admit it, I am a neat freak. I cannot stand a messy house. I need everything in its place. I like my kitchen counters to be cleared of junk. I don’t like laundry piling up in the laundry room. And when I say it is Spring/Passover cleaning I want everyone to hop to it.

There you have it.  I have become a bit tyrannical. Like a monarch from the Middle Ages. Although I have not sent anyone to the dungeon, I would like too.

In my defense, I have moments where I am using my skills:

“The table needs to be cleared!”
“I need to know a time when your stuff that you don’t need will be cleared out of your bathroom.”

I am also having lots of moments of:

“What are you doing? I just cleaned the table! You are eating again, without a plate or a napkin!”

“Your bathroom is not cleaned yet. You told me you were going to clean it!”

I think I need to take some time, as my niece says to “Chillax”, (you know, chill and relax at the same time).
I need to regroup and think of a better plan.

I think I am going to tell my family something like this:

“Guys, I appreciate all your help up until now. You rooms are for the most part cleaned and we are well on our way to a fully cleaned and organized home for Passover. I am going to try not to drive you all crazy but I can’t promise that I will always ask nicely for your help. Try to be understanding and cooperate as best as you can. I will really appreciate it.”

All this cleaning and trying to keep my cool has been giving me lots more ideas for my newest workshop,Simple Ways To Parent Without Anger. Like how to be nice to yourself even when you are not at your best and a simple way to handle yourself if your temper gets the better of you.

As before, I will let you know how it goes!
Thanks for listening!

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