Helping Our Toughest Kids…

Screen Shot 2013-06-12 at 5.01.38 PMWe had a great class with Jenny Krainess last night.

Some of the highlights of the class:

1. Intense children are a gift and we need to embrace their intensity instead of trying to stifle it.
2. Our kids want our love and attention. We are the most important and desirable people in our children’s lives.
3. We need to energize their successes and refuse to energize negative behavior.
4. It is easier to notice our kid’s negative behavior and mention it to them, but we can train ourselves to praise our kids for their positive behaviors.

Jenny gave many examples of how to be more positive with our children, noticing their good behavior. She also taught us how to be proactive and create successful moments for our kids.

Want to learn more from this great instructor?
You can still get the audios here:

The Nurtured Heart Approach: Creating Inner Wealth In Every Child

You can reach Jenny Krainess at:


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