Greedy Kids: Teaching Kids To Appreciate What They Have

Greedy  girl with pile of sweetsDepositphotos_3031362_xs

We had a great class last Wednesday night! Devorah Katz from joined me.

Our topic:
Using Jewish Values To Raise Resilient, Responsible and Independent Kids

This was the second class in a series of 4:

Gratitude: Teaching Kids To Appreciate What They Have

We continued our discussion of what makes people resilient. We all agreed that being grateful with what we have is an important attitude to cultivate with in ourselves and our kids. People who are grateful for what they have are resilient they have a positive way to cope with life’s challenges and disappointments.

We then learned how to help our kids develop self control and delay gratification with 6 tools. We also discussed why kids always ask for more and more stuff and never seem to be happy with what they have.

Devorah then gave us some great crafts and activities to help us reinforce an attitude of gratitude in our kids.

You can still join our class:

Using Jewish Values To Raise Resilient, Responsible and Independent Kids

You can listen to the recording of the first two classes and join us live for the next 2 classes.

Sign up here:

Using Jewish Values To Raise Resilient, Responsible and Independent Kids

Looking forward to our next class:

“>Loving Your Neighbor:Teaching Siblings To Get Along

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