Good Parenting: Teaching Kids To Think Positive

familyThe good thing about parenting is that it all starts with us. The values or characteristics we want our kids to espouse need to be modeled by us. So very simply, if we want our kids to have a positive outlook on life we need to have a positive outlook on life.

No need to feel pressure! Here are some simple ways we can start looking at our live’s in a glass half full kind of way and encourage our kids to do so at the same time:

1. Point our your child’s positive behaviors or strengths:
Younger kids: “You listened. I asked you to get into pajamas and you did.”
Older kids: “I appreciated your help today. The laundry needed to get done and you did it.”

2. Find the positive in your daily events:
Younger kids: “I had such a great time with you today. Teaching you to ride a bicycle with training wheels was so much fun!”
Older kids:”I know school can be tough sometimes, but I hope you can see how much you are learning and how much you enjoy band practice.

3. Talk about the things you enjoy:
Younger kids: “I love taking nature walks with you. You pointed out all these interesting leaves and flowers!
Older kids: “I am reading such a good book. It is hard for me to put it down. There is nothing like a good book to relax you!”

4. Express your positive feelings:
Younger kids: “I love giving you kisses and hugs at bedtime.”
Older kids: “I am so happy! I just finished all my cooking for the holidays. I feel very accomplished!”

4. Ask your child to find the positives:

Younger kids: “What was the best thing about school today?”
Older kids: “Can you tell me one good thing that happened to you today?”

Some people are born with an optimistic and positive nature, while others are not. Not to worry, if you are one of the have nots, you can still cultivate an upbeat attitude. This can only enhance your quality of life and the happiness of your family.

Adapted from

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