Good Parenting: Our Best Parenting Books Picks

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Reading and breathing are sort of the same to me. I remember when my first grade teacher announced “Today you are going to read your first word!” and we all clapped. I took to reading like a duck to water. When I borrowed my first chapter book from the library: “B is for Betsey” by Carolyn Haywood, I hid myself behind the couch in the living room and read it in one sitting.

It was only natural that when I became a parent I would read lots of parenting books. I had an interest in education and child development, so I was fascinated by the different philosophies of child-rearing. It was actually my love of reading that got me into the whole parent coaching field. I attended the “How To Talk So Kids Will Listen” workshop at Bellefaire Jewish Children’s Bureau. Because I had read the book and knew a lot of the techniques the facilitator asked me to lead the next workshop while she went on maternity leave.

I finally compiled a list of all of my favorite parenting books. Here they are:

The Best Parenting Books

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