Good Parenting: Helping Our Toddlers Listen

Toddlers Looking UpI just got back from my parenting talk with young Moms at the local JCC here in Cleveland. We spoke about how to help our kids listen.

One Mom shared her success story from last week’s class. She used empathy and choices to help her daughter get through the difficulties of potty training. After months of getting nowhere this approach worked.

Then we moved on to this weeks topic. We discussed why kids are not listening, and how parents these days are often unsure about their parenting and why that is. We talked about how to develop a voice of authority so that our kids know that we mean what we say and how this helps them feel secure.

We also spoke about how we can’t parent from another room. When we are telling our kids what to do, it is best if we are present. It is also helpful if we give kids visual cues, when it is time to leave point to the door or show them their coat. Not only that a gentle touch on their shoulder or getting down to their eye level also gains their attention. This makes it easier for them to understand your instructions and comply.

We ended our parenting talk with the idea that children need to feel in control some ways that we can help them feel in charge.

It was a great class with lots of discussion and a Q and A session at the end.

Looking forward to next week!

If you are a member of the Mandel JCC you are invited to join us!


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