Good Parenting: Getting Through The Changing Of The Clock

classic clock 2One of the most difficult days of the year is when they change the clock. Spring forward is particularly tough. I don’t feel like I have enough time in the day and then I am asked to give up an hour. I am protective of my time and I feel like I have been robbed this week.

My husband is not affected by the time change at all. He has gotten up every day this week at his regular time, cheerfully, without any complaints. He just laughs at me, “It’s only an hour!”

I am not alone, though. My kids feel it too. On Sunday night, we sat down and I said, “Ok, tomorrow morning is a school morning and it might be rough because of the time change. I don’t know about your but I am probably going to be cranky, tired and impatient. What can we do to make it go smoothly?”

We discussed what time the alarms clocks should be set and if anyone was going to need an extra wakeup call (from me) and when was the last possible minute that they could get out of bed, while still having time to get ready for the bus/carpool.

My daughter who is usually up early and prepares her snacks and schoolbag in the morning decided to do everything the night before.

Everyone except for my oldest, who also is not terribly affected by time change was the only one who decided not to try to go to sleep a bit early.

We all decided not to talk to each other much in the morning so as not to irritate anyone who would be extra cranky.

So although the time change was rough- we pulled through it the best that we could. At least we know that spring is really right around the corner!

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