Good Parenting: Am I A Good Enough Mom?









The other day, I was counseling a Mom. She said, “My 3 year old child is driving me crazy. I have a baby too. It takes me an hour and a half to get them to bed. I am so exhausted.  How can I make it go faster?”

I told her that 1 1/2 hours is a reasonable amount of time to get 2 little children to bed. You have bath time,  snack, pajamas, snack, brushing teeth, nursing, bedtime stories, and snuggle time. And don’t forget the power struggles, you usually have to throw one or two of those in there.

She was so relieved. She said, “I feel so validated. I didn’t know that was a normal amount of time for getting kids into bed. I was telling myself I was doing it all wrong! But now that I know that I am doing okay, bed time won’t be so difficult for me!”

Sometimes all we need as Moms is someone to let us know that we are doing just fine, that whatever we are experiencing is normal. It can make every difference in the world.

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