Get Ready For The Summer: Turn Your Child’s Bad Behavior Around

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I am really excited about our upcoming class with Jenny Krainess, June 11 9-10pm EST:

The Nurtured Heart Approach: Creating Inner Wealth In Every Child

Summer is coming and we are going to be spending a lot of time with our kids. It is the best time of year to brush up on some great discipline techniques to keep your home running smoothly. This is the class you want to take to help you do just that.

Those of you who have been following for a while, know how much I love the Nurtured Heart Approach. The Nurtured Heart Philosophy takes the principles of Positive Psychology, thinking positive, and applying it to managing children’s behavior. That means making a big deal when your child acts appropriately and remaining calm and matter fact when they are “misbehaving.” This approach has been extremely effective when dealing with difficult children, kids with ADD and ODD.

So for example,if your child who uses foul language you want to catch them at a time when they are speaking appropriately:  “I appreciate that you have not cursed this whole time. I appreciate your appropriate language.”

What about a child who mercilessly teases other children? You might want to say. “I appreciate that you have not looked at Sarah or tugged Sarah’s hair. You have kept your hands to yourself. You are using self -control.”

Sounds tricky? Let Jenny Krainess show you how it is done so that you can discover the inner wealth in your child….

Join us on Tuesday, June 11, 2013: 9-10pm EST

The Nurtured Heart Approach: Creating Inner Wealth In Every Child

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