Emotional Intelligence For Kids: Are Parents Always Right?







We had a great class last night with Dr. Shira Wiesen: Emotional IQ: Empowering Our Kids To Be Smarter Emotionally

Dr. Shira spoke about:

  • How we can validate our children’s feelings even when we think our children are upset about things that seem unimportant.
  • In human relationships there is no right and wrong. We need to see that kids are right and parents are right about their feelings. (Kids want the chocolate bar right now and parents want kids to wait until after dinner. Both feelings and needs are valid. Now how can you work together to get our conflicting needs met…)
  • How saying “Cut it out” or “Stop it” makes the tantrums and power struggles worse.
  • How to use a simple 2 step dialectical approach that therapist use, to put a stop to the conflict and help kids improve their negative behavior.
  • How using this approach helps kids improve their emotional intelligence, manage their own problems and take responsibility for their actions.

Dr. Shira used real life examples from her home and professional life to illustrate how these techniques work.

You don’t want to miss it!

You can get the recording from the class here:
Emotional IQ: Empowering Our Kids To Be Smarter Emotionally

To contact Dr. Shira Wiesen directly you can email her at: shira.wiesen@gmail.com.

For more information on her programs click here: http://psychbc.com/media/uploads/documents/DBT_BWadol.pdf

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