Eating Disorders: What Every Parent Needs To Know

biophotoWe had an excellent class last night with Dr. Adena Zlochower.

Dr. Adena Zlochower: Understanding Eating Disorders: How Genetics Loads the Gun and Environment Pulls the Trigger

If there is one thing that terrifies today’s parents, I know that it is eating disorders. Last night we learned the signs and how you can arm your kids against this all-too-common threat.

We were honored to have Dr.Adena Zlochower, Ph.D, speak for us. She  is a clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders. Dr. Zlochower received her doctorate in clinical and developmental psychology from the University of Pittsburgh and completed an internship in pediatric psychology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. She practices at the Cleveland Center for Eating Disorders with an emphasis on treating eating disorders in children and adolescents using the Maudsley family based treatment approach and in adults with enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). In addition, Dr. Zlochower uses CBT approaches to treat co-occurring disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and body dissatisfaction.

She is a wonderful speaker and extremely knowledgable.

We learned the following:

  • The different types of eating disorders
  • The warning signs
  • Who is more susceptible
  • Simple ways that we can prevent eating disorders

You can still get the audio here:

Dr. Adena Zlochower: Understanding Eating Disorders: How Genetics Loads the Gun and Environment Pulls the Trigger


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