Good Parenting: Teaching Kids To Get Along With Difficult People

 Dear Adina, My teens are beginning to realize that I do not get along w/a certain family member, ”Sherri” even though I try to hide it.  While I am somewhat relieved that they know what’s going on how do I manage my behavior in front of them, is it ok to talk to them about my […]

Building Kids Self Esteem: Let Them Know They Are Capable

We think that our kids don’t listen to us but they really do. It seems as if we expend so much energy getting them to do the simplest of task, brush their teeth, get dressed, do their homework and get into bed. The fact that they don’t seem to listen to you during these times […]

Simple Ways To Teach Your Kids Respect!

I received this comment on my video: One Simple Way To Teach Your Kids To Respect You Dear Adina. Just had a chance to sit down and view your video on respect. While I agree with the why children should respect us, I don’t understand one bit why you suggest that bringing someone a tissue […]