7 Tips to Teach Your Kids Respect


    Your kids have been at each other’s throats all week. You’re tired, exhausted, and dreaming of household peace. If you’ve been second-guessing yourself and your disciplinary methods, read on for some practical advice to teach your kids respect. Parents, teachers, and grandparents often complain that respect is deteriorating, and they are right. Children […]

The Non-Compliant Child: Help Them Listen

  Dear Adina, I have 4 children. I am able to use the more effective communication skills I have learned in your classes however I find that it will work for some kids but not the others. For example, I will say, “When all the crayons, markers, and paper are put back in the arts […]

How to Put an End to Power Struggles

When it comes to parenting, doing what’s best for your child can often lead to a power struggle between the two of you. Unfortunately, if arguing and throwing a tantrum gets children out of something once, they’re probably going to keep doing it. It’s up to you to break the cycle and put an end […]