Announcing My New Book!

I am so excited to announce that my book, Parenting Simply: Preparing Kids For Life, is finally published! It’s available on Amazon! I started almost 10 years ago. I loved writing articles and always wanted to compile them and write a book! This is a huge accomplishment for me. I could not have done this without, […]

Parenting and Picking Your Battles

Parenting and picking your battles

As a parent, you’ll often find yourself being the bearer of bad news to your kids. After all, somebody has to tell them that they can’t stay up until 2 or eat ice cream for breakfast, am I right? Sometimes you have to be the bad guy, and your kids aren’t going to like it. […]

How to Create a Back to School Schedule

how to create a back to school schedule

  Back to school can be a chaotic time for many families. New schools, transitions, activities and school schedules can add up to lots of stress for overloaded families. Create a back to school schedule to reduce family stress and maintain everyone’s sanity. How to Create a Back to School Schedule Get Your Family Organized […]