How to End Car Seat Power Struggles


Dear Adina, Any ideas on how to get my two year old to stop fighting me putting her in her car seat? I’ve tried asking nicely, being patient, saying “When you’re ready let me know” which usually works for diapering.  I’ve also tried forcing her, yelling, counting to three, timeouts, almost everything I can think of […]

Summer Activities: Simple Ways To Make Your Own Sensory Bin

  Children use their senses to explore, learn and make sense of the world around them. They do this by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, moving and hearing. Children (and adults) learn best and retain information when they engage all their senses. Sensory play is any activity that stimulates your young child’s senses: touch, smell, taste, […]

Summer Fun: Simple Arts and Craft: Sensory Squishy Bags

I know that parents are scrambling for activities to do with their children. I am all about simple and easy, especially when it comes to arts and crafts.  These sensory or squishy bags, as my students like to call them, are uncomplicated and effortless. You probably have most of the materials floating around someplace in […]