How to Cope With Sibling Rivalry

  Thanks to the pandemic, we’re spending a lot of time with our families and nerves are a bit frayed. There is zoom school, the constant cooking, and snacking, and the seemingly never-ending mess. But what is driving parents over the edge? What is the number one problem? Sibling Rivalry. Many kids are bickering, teasing, […]

What To Do When You Disagree About Parenting

One of my readers recently reached out and told me that she had been trying to incorporate some new parenting skills, but her husband undermines her. They are not on the same page at all and it’s creating marital conflict. She’s wondering what she should do! Unfortunately, I hear a similar story from lots of […]

5 Tips for Working at Home With Kids


Homeschooling has become more and more popular over the past decade but really wasn’t considered mainstream. However, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has means that thousands of parents are now facing the daunting task of simultaneously parenting, working, and teaching. Trying to work from home with your kids around is challenging enough for any parent. […]