Good Parenting: How To Raise Your Child To Be Grateful

  I am the one who makes dinner in my family. My husband always makes a big show of thanking me for a great dinner (Even when it is not so great.) I love the compliments and the recognition. Making dinner gets pretty boring and it helps to know that what I do for my […]

Why Won’t My Child Listen?

Hands down, the biggest complaint that I hear from parents is that their child is not listening to them. Every child communicates differently, and this will lead to communicating with each of your children on their level and based on their needs.  Instead of getting frustrated, we need to understand the reasons why our children […]

How Do You Get Children to Listen?

How on earth do you get children to listen to you? Some days it can be completely exasperating but believe me, you’re not the only one. Read on for some helpful tips to get your children to listen to you and establish appropriate family boundaries. Here’s a recent email I got from a concerned mom: […]