Parenting Tips: How to Better Manage Your Stress

Mother and daughter hugging

  While raising children is one of life’s most rewarding experiences, it can also be incredibly stressful. Parents are on call 24 hours a day taking care of their child’s needs, which can cause stress levels to build. This anxiety can lead to difficulty sleeping, headaches, a lowered immune system or even long-term health challenges. […]

Why Routines For Kids Matter

Kids brushing their teeth

This pandemic is dragging on and on. It has been tough for many reasons, but the lack of a normal routine is one of the most challenging aspects, especially for parents of young children. Why? Because children thrive on predictability and routine and so do parents. When children know what is expected of them and […]

Want Successful Kids? Let Them Make Mistakes

How can you help your kids become successful adults? It’s all in the mindset. In a recent webinar, I took part in, the speaker, Carol Dweck, spoke about developing a growth mindset in our kids. First, it’s important to understand the differences between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. In a fixed mindset, kids […]