My Child is Stealing: What Should I Do?

Dear Adina, My 5-year old son has been stealing. I found money that he had taken from a neighbor’s house. He also came home from school with money I know for sure he didn’t get from me. He denies that he took it and says he does not know where it came from. How can […]

Empathy: The Key To Emotional Intelligence

When adults dismiss children’s feelings, we essentially tell them that their problems are unimportant. They become stuck in their negative emotions and direct their anger toward the adult. As soon as we empathize, they feel understood and can move forward to solve their problem or can let go of their negative emotions. This creates good […]

Empathy: How to Teach Your Child What is Important In Life

My son is having trouble with his schoolwork. He says he is dumb, I tell him he is not, and it doesn’t seem to help he just gets more upset. My child complains because all his friends have ipods, Nintendo’s, and flat screen TV’s and he doesn’t. Anything I say to him makes him roll […]