Teaching Your Child Kindness

When parents ask me, ” How do I teach my child to be kind?” I tell them, instead of focusing on the times your child is unkind, be on the lookout for any little act of kindness on their part. Point it out to them. Try to ignore the times that they are unkind. When […]

Praising Our Children: What You Need To Say

We all want to praise our children and build their self-esteem. Studies have shown that we are not using the right type of praise. We often use praise that comes across as meaningless to our children, “good job!”, “you are the greatest!”, “you are so sweet!” This type of praise makes children feel insecure. It is […]

The Easiest Way To Improve Your Child’s Behavior: Look for the Good

Positive Psychology is a recent branch of psychology that deals with theories and practices involving human happiness. Positive Psychologist are encouraging patients to focus on what they have accomplished and done right during the day instead of what they have not accomplished or what has gone wrong. They maintain that this shift of attitude can […]