Selfish Behavior: The Key To Turning Your Child Around

I am having a hard time with my 7 year old daughter. Yesterday was particularly difficult. I made her a beautiful birthday party with the exact cake that she wanted. She has very generous grandparents and got all the presents she had asked for. After everyone left she had a major meltdown. She said she […]

Why Is There Always A Problem Right When It Is Time To Go?

Does your child always seem to have some sort of problem every time you try to leave? Does your child come home from school in a bad mood? Do you battle with your child to get his coat on? Your child probably has trouble with transitions. Adaptability is the ability to make smooth transitions. Some […]

Can You Punish Your Teen? A Better Way

              My daughter drove home from a party after curfew with 2 friends in the car. This is illegal in our state. She was honest with me and told me what happened. Her friend was drunk and my daughter volunteered to drive her home. I don’t know what to […]