Being A Good Parent: Hold Onto Your Dreams

I have never loved housework. It all seems so redundant. But I do it and sometimes when I am using my positive thinking skills, I know I am lucky. I am glad I have family to take care of and that makes the laundry, the cooking and the cleaning a little less wearisome.

When my kids were little and I was having a rough time with my mundane household chores I would amuse myself with some daydreaming. This was my favorite dream:

I would be sweeping up cheerios and the doorbell would ring. At the door there would be some important looking people, with a big check and some flowers (Yes, very similar to the Publishing Clearing House sweepstake commercials).

I would say: “For me! For what do I deserve this honor?”

They would say, “Adina Soclof, you have been faithfully sweeping up cheerios from the floor, for ten years now. We have been notified through our high tech cheerio encrypter reader that you have just swept up your millionth cheerio. We are here to deliver your prize!”

I would thank them profusely and say, “I knew that for all these years, I could not have been sweeping Cheerios in vain. I knew that one day my ship would come in and I would get my reward! It has all been worth it!”

These were the little dreams of mine when life would get boring. I really do think that I have swept a least a million cheerios from my kitchen floor. I guess if that is what it takes to raise a family I would sweep a million more.


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