Parenting Simply Presents Rebecca Thompson: Nurturing Connection: What You Need to Know About Emotional Expression, Bonding, and Healthy Families

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Rebecca Thompson, an expert in one of today’s biggest parenting concerns:

Rebecca Thompson: Nurturing Connection: What You Need to Know About Emotional Expression, Bonding, and Healthy Families

We spend so much time worrying about school and physical health and safety that it’s easy to forget that emotional health is critical for kids to grow up healthy and happy. Learn how to foster emotional well-being and a strong family bond that will last a lifetime.

You will learn:

-Why is expression of feelings in connection so important?
-Why is it so difficult for us when our children are expressing their feelings?
-Why overwhelmed, under-supported parents don’t have room for anyone else’s feelings, even if you know intellectually what to do.
-What happens with feelings in emotionally healthy families and in disconnected families.
-The brain stoplight tool to understand where connection happens.
-Essential tools to create more heart connection: physical touch, emotional presence, and self-care

As the mother of two boys, she has personal as well as professional experience navigating the terrain of parenting. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education and a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, with specialized training in attachment and trauma. Rebecca is the author of four books, which are part of the Consciously Parenting series.
Consciously Parenting: What It Really Takes to Raise Emotionally Healthy Families, was released March of 2012. Rebecca’s second book, Creating Connection: Essential Tools for Growing Families through Conception, Birth, and Beyond, was released October 2012. The third book of the series, Nurturing Connection, will be released in March 2013. The final book, Healing Connection, will be released in October 2013.


It’s Never too Late to Become a Better Parent
– And it’s Never too Late to Join Parenting Simply

No matter how old your children are, there is still time to help them gain confidence and grow into fine, responsible adults. Our parenting experts have years of experience in every phase of childhood, from toddler to teen, and each of our teleseminars offer a look at another aspect of parenting that leaves many moms and dads frustrated.
You can get the audio here:

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Don’t miss this opportunity to show your kids the way to a bright future, by offering them the confidence, competence, self-esteem, and well-being every child deserves.

Extra-special bonus if you live or learn in Ohio: Our Parenting Simply teleclasses have been recognized as valuable learning experiences, so you can earn 1 CEU credits from the State of Ohio, Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board, just for participating!

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