Sibling Rivalry: When Singing Is Teasing…

Sibling FeudI have not written a post on Sibling Rivalry in a long time. I am not sure why. What I do know for sure is that it is not because there has been an excess of peaceful interactions in my home. Maybe after 18 year of being a Mom, I am getting used to it? Maybe I should have my hearing checked? I will have to think on that one!

This morning my kids were going at it. Both of them were sitting at the table eating their breakfast and I was putting up soup for dinner.

A. starts singing and D. says:

“Mom! Tell A. to stop bothering me. He is always annoying me!”

Me: “You can tell him yourself.”

D.: “I told him and he isn’t listening!”

A (in his most innocent voice!): “What??? I am only singing, I am not saying anything!”

Me: “Yes, but sometimes people can find other people’s singing annoying.”

D:”Yes, it is so annoying!”

Me: “A., D. finds your singing annoying, it would be nice and respectful if you would stop singing. D. you also have a choice, you can move away and find someplace else to finish your breakfast.”

A few more minutes of singing and a few more minutes of bickering. I see out of the corner of my eye D. move away with her cereal bowl.

Me: “D. I am so glad you moved away from the table. You know how to take care of yourself. The singing was annoying you and you got out of the way!”

D: “I am finishing my cereal at the dining room table!”

Me: “That’s using your head to get out of an uncomfortable situation.”

A (who is not happy with this development): “Well, I am moving too!”

He proceeds to go into the living room and starts singing again! You gotta love these persistent kids!

Me: “A, I am going to need your help now in the kitchen. I need you to unload 10 dishes from the dishwasher!”

A: “Why do I always have to do something helpful when I do something wrong…”

I laughed and ruffled his hair.

Me: “Don’t you think it is a good way to keep yourself busy, so you are not bothering your sister… I thought it was a good idea!”

Crisis averted. Dishwasher unloaded. 10 minutes later they were off to school. Not a bad way to start the day….

Want to learn great ways to keep the peace in your home?

You can get my course, Sibling Rivalry 2.0 here!

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