Social Skills For Struggling Students: Resources For Every Parent

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A+ Solutions is pleased to invite you to an evening with Courtney Evenchik, MA, NCSP

Monday evening,

May 12


How to Promote Positive Social Skills in Your Child with Learning Differences

Location: Lee Road Library
2345 Lee Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

You will:

Learn why struggling learners often more at-risk for being bullied
Teach your child to be assertive
Help your child develop positive social behaviors
Decrease the “mean kid” behavior that you might see in your own child


I am very interested in this topic of Promoting Positive Social Skills In Your Child. I knew that Courtney’s talk was coming up and I wanted to write a series of in depth articles to help publicize her class and this topic.

I know that Courtney’s knowledge in this area is encyclopedic. I asked her what books I should read in order to research my articles. Off the top of her head she named these:

Wish me luck as I wade through them. The first book I will tackle is:

“It’s So Much Work to Be Your Friend: Helping the Child with Learning Disabilities Find Social Success” by Richard Lavoie.

I can’t wait to share with you all I learn.


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