Celebrating Mistakes: My Cinnamon Cake

Depositphotos_3031362_xsWe had a great class last night! Devorah Katz from Challahcrumbs.com joined me.

Our topic:
Using Jewish Values To Raise Resilient, Responsible and Independent Kids

This was the first class in a series of 4:

Strength:Inner Resolve And Courage: A Glimpse Into What Makes Kids Resilient And Strong

We spoke about the characteristics that make up resilient people. We defined resilience:

Resilience is the capacity to rise above difficult circumstances, allowing our children to exist in this less-than-perfect world, while moving forward with optimism and confidence. (taken from:http://www.fosteringresilience.com)

Then we discussed 7 simple ways that we can build our kids up and help them develop these characteristics.

One of the ways that we can build resilient kids, is to make our home a place where mistakes are celebrated.
I told the class about my famous Cinnamon Cake that was actually a mistake. I had many requests in the chat box for the recipes. So here it is:

Adina’s Mistake Cake:

2 C sugar
2 2/3 C flour
2tsp baking powder
2tsp vanilla
1/2 C water
1/2 C apple juice
4 eggs
1 C oil

Tube pan

Mix together all ingredients. Pour in 1/2 batter and top with cinnamon and sugar. Pour in the rest of the batter and top with more cinnamon and sugar.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45min-1hour

I hope you enjoy.

You can still join our class:

Using Jewish Values To Raise Resilient, Responsible and Independent Kids

You can listen to the recording of the first class and join us live for the next 3 classes.

Sign up here:

Using Jewish Values To Raise Resilient, Responsible and Independent Kids

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