Teach Your Children To Remain Calm: 4 Easy Steps

Meeting life’s challenges with calmness is a value that can be taught to children. The little annoyances in life, not being able to find the right outfit, a broken zipper, misplaced keys are easier to manage when we are relaxed. Reacting with equilibrium to small frustrations trains your mind for the big stuff, helping you to think calmly when life becomes more difficult. This is an invaluable skill. Society greatly values people who can roll with the punches. They make great leaders and can handle emergency situations well.

Here are 4 easy ways to teach our children to remain calm:

1. Role model :
Children are watching our every move. If our washing machine breaks down or dinner gets burned we need to react with a cool head. It is simple: children will be calm if their parents are  calm.

2. Praise Your Child For Their Calm Behavior:

“You were disappointed that your friend changed plans on you- you reacted calmly and said its okay, things happen.”
“Your sister was bothering you, instead of fighting you moved away, found a book to read and that helped you calm down
3.  Focus on the Positive

If your child tantrums – don’t focus on the fact that they cried for 20 minutes, focus on the fact that they finally calm down.

“You calmed yourself down, you were so mad and sad but then you calmed down.”
4. Teach children yoga breathing:

During some quiet moments with your child (not when they are in the midst of a meltdown) teach them some simple breathing techniques that ensure calmness. The most basic breathing technique is breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Children today are experiencing more stress then ever. Teaching children  ways to be calm builds resilience and responsibility. It is a invaluable life skill.

For more information on how to raise resilient, responsible and independent children, join us  for our informative and interactive workshops.

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