The Best Way To Teach Kids To Be Responsible: 2

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In our last post we spoke about how to teach our kids to be responsible. 
We said that we need to focus on our kid’s positive behaviors, the times that they do show some responsibility. Then we can gain some insight into how to foster more responsible behavior. We can build on those things that already love to do. 

But what about building responsibility for the stuff that our kids are not good at?
“She never does his homework.”
“He doesn’t put his laundry in the hamper.”
“She is late for school.”
“He shirks his chores.”

At this point we need to decide what behavior needs to be improved. Out of this fictional (but realistic) list, I would number them in order of importance, like this:
1. Late for school
2. Shirks his chores
3. Never does homework
4. Does not put his laundry in the hamper

Different parents may number this list differently. 

Then you can focus on each irresponsible behavior,  individually at one time. 
This gives you a clearer picture of what needs to be done. 

Want to learn more?
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Raising Responsible Resilient Kids

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